Club Neverdie

Entropia Virtual Property Game Record

Really want to earn money if you only have to invest some amount to buy virtual property and have to just play it like a game??? If you say yes, then it is interesting and if you are going to say a no then let’s have a talk about the biggest amount of money that has been earned via playing virtual real estate game by one of the player named as ‘Jon “Neverdie” Jacobs’ – earning a sum of  635,000$, making an average of 200,000 $ per year as the benefit.. SHOCKING BUT TRUE!

  • Link for playing and making money from Real Estate Game(copy/paste into your address bar):
  • Game of Entropia


    The player have made a history with this news in playing virtual real estate game with the help of his own largest share in Club Neverdie as he has made himself to buy virtual property of virtualized asteroid within the famous online game ‘Entropia’, as one of the Entropia Universe having a rarely found share among MMORPG’s having its own personalized and owned virtual economy. The most popular thing about the game is the fixed exchange rates that are provided in buying real estate or whether the player is going for land sale.

    Club Neverdie


    Club Neverdie as a resort destination that is making a huge amount of 200,000 $ per year as thousands of players are playing on the verge of buying real estate or giving their virtual home for sell. MindArk (Swedish company) that has founded this grand name as one of the famous virtual real estate game – Entropia has been made to reach the economy of 442 $ million USD.

    Jacobs has originally paid a sum of 100,000 $ to buy virtual property as a investment in this virtual real estate game by making his real life home to be mortgaged at the initial level.. Sounds like a story but this is a true one..

    Features that has made this thing happen in buying property


    Entropia is one of the game that provides users to play the virtual game for fun and also for earning money and enjoys it a lot within the control of avatars which they got for playing in the color-full and excited compelling ideas and environments. 

    In addition to this, Club Neverdie, which is the virtual property that has been purchased by Jacobs having the large real estate values as it has e provision of the following items along with other features of the game:

    • Personalized theme songs
    • Personalized videos for promotion
    • Amazing graphics
    • Variety of landscapes 
    • Freely joining facility (but if you want to purchase something good object, then you have to pay for it)
    Funds for Virtual Game


    There are going out millions of micro transactions for buying real estate which has a large real estate values and due to this much bigger amount a newer company named as ‘Neverdie Studios’ nearly having a value range of 6$ is going to be launched and Rocktropia (musically themed planet)has already been established, going to take 10$ per entry of users per month. 

    This is not over yet and a big boom of Next Planet is also coming with the combined efforts of Jacobs and MindArk as a view of the exploration of farming; dancing; fashion; fashion and hunting.

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